
In case of problems, please first take a look in the results/<site>_<instrument>_<dates>/logfiles folder. There the output of PROFFASTpylot, as well as the output of the subroutines preprocess, pcxs and invers are stored. Sometimes the subroutines fail without returning an error, therefore it looks successful at first in the pylot logfile.

If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us via email ( and or directly in GitLab. We will update this documentation with the occurring problems.


Problems creating a virtual environment

If you have several python installations, and some are not included to your PATH variable it might happen that the creation of a virtual environment results in Error: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified.

In this case the solution can be to give to full path to your python executable whilst creating the virtual environment: C:\path\to\your\python\python.exe -m venv prf_venv


Infinite Loop: General logfile is being used by another process

Ensure if your run-script contains if __name__ == "__main__". If this is missing, it can crash the multiprocessing in a Windows environment.