The 5th HEPPA/SOLARIS Workshop

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Program and Poster Session lists

Draft version of 30 April 2014

HEPPA/SOLARIS 2014 - Draft Agenda

Kongresshaus Baden-Baden, 5 – 9 May 2014, 1st floor, rooms S1/S2, Augustaplatz 1, Baden-Baden


A draft version of the Abstract Book can be downloaded here.

All posters will be on display from Monday morning to Wednesday afternoon.


Monday, 5 May 2014

8:00 – 8:45: Registration (registration is open all days 8:30 – 17:00 h)

Chair: Gabi Stiller
8:45 – 9:00: Welcome and logistics (Gabi Stiller)
9:00 – 9:45: Radiation belt particle precipitation and its effects on atmospheric interaction: Van Allen probes observations (Harlan Spence)
9:45 – 10:15: The challenges and problems in measuring energetic electron precipitation into the atmosphere (Mark A. Clilverd)
10:15 – 10:45: One-slide presentations for poster session I (Posters A and E)

10:45 -


Coffee break leading into

11:15 – 12:30: Poster session I (Posters A and E)

12:30 –


Lunch break

Chair: Harlan Spence
14:00 – 14:45: Measurements of solar irradiance – is the controversy solved? (Thierry Dudok de Wit)
14:45 – 15:15: The solar cycle 24 and predictions of future solar variability (Natalie Krivova)

15:15 -


Coffee break leading into

15:45 – 17:30: Poster session I (Posters A and E)
18:00 – 20:00: Ice breaker at the “Kongresshaus”

Tuesday, 6 May 2014:

8:30 – 17:00: Registration

Chair: Cora Randall
9:00 – 9:45: Variability of the thermal structure, composition, and energy balance of the mesosphere and thermosphere and influence of energetic particles as revealed by SABER (Martyn Mlynczak)
9:45 – 10:15: The effects of precipitating radiation belt electrons on the mesospheric hydroxyl and ozone (Monika E. Andersson)
10:15 – 10:45: One-slide presentations for poster session II (Posters B)

10:45 -


Coffee break leading into

11:15 – 12:30: Poster session II (Posters B)

12:30 –


Lunch break

Chair: Martyn Mlynczak
14:00 – 14:45: Progress in the detection of solar cycle signals in the lower atmosphere (Dan Marsh)
14:45 – 15:15: Mathematical methods in atmosphere and climate modelling (Marko Laine)

15:15 -


Coffee break leading into

15:45 – 17:30: Poster session II (Posters B)
18:30 – ca. 20:00: Guided walking tour through Baden-Baden (optional, extra cost 5 Euro); meeting point: in front of the “Kongresshaus”

Wednesday, 7 May 2014:

8:30 – 17:00: Registration

Chair: Katja Matthes
9:00 – 9:45: The influence of solar variability past, present and future, on North Atlantic Climate (Jeff Knight)
9:45 – 10:30: Solar and Particle Effects on the Tropospheric Climate (Eugene Rozanov)
10:30 – 11:00: One-slide presentations for poster session III (Posters C and D)

11:00 -


Coffee break leading into

11:30 – 12:30: Poster session III (Posters C and D)

12:30 –


Lunch break

Chair: Manuel López-Puertas
14:00 – 14:45: Possible implications of a future grand solar minimum for surface climate (Amanda Maycock)
14:45 – 15:15: HEPPA/SOLARIS outstanding questions (Bernd Funke and Katja Matthes)

15:15 -


Coffee break leading into

15:45 – 17:30: Poster session III (Posters C and D)
19:00 – 22:00: Conference dinner at the “Kurhaus Baden-Baden”

Thursday, 8 May 2014:

8:30 – 17:00: Registration
9:00 – 12:30: Overview of ongoing international activities and plans

Chair: Pekka Verronen
9:00 – 9:20: SPARC SOLARIS-HEPPA overview (Bernd Funke and Katja Matthes)
9:20 – 9:40: SOLID - an FP7 Project towards the First European Comprehensive Solar Irradiance Data Exploitation (Margit Haberreiter)
9:40 – 10:00: ROSMIC - Role of the Sun and the Middle Atmosphere/thermosphere/ionosphere in Climate (Annika Seppälä)
10:00 – 10:20: Update on the International ISSI team: Quantifying Hemispheric differences in particle Forcing Effects on Stratospheric Ozone (Dan Marsh)
10:20 – 10:40: ISSI Project ''Specification of Ionization Sources Affecting Atmospheric Processes'' (Irina Mironova)

10:40 -


Coffee break

Chair: Scott Bailey
11:10 – 11:30: TOSCA: a COST action on the impact of solar variability on the Earth's climate (Thierry Dudok de Wit)
11:30 – 11:50: Response of the Atmosphere to Impulsive Solar Events (RAISE) (Cora Randall)
11:50 – 12:30: Discussion (synergy and collaborations) (All)

12:30 –


Lunch break

14:00 – 17:30: Presentations of ongoing SPARC SOLARIS-HEPPA activities (HEPPA-II, SolarMIP)

Chair: Dan Marsh
14:00 – 14:20: Latest HEPPA II model-measurement intercomparison results (Bernd Funke)
14:20 – 14:40: Intercomparison of trace gas observations during the 2008/2009 northern hemisphere winter (Kristell Pérot)
14:40 – 15:00: Comparison of nitric oxide measurements in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from ACE, MIPAS, Odin/SMR, and SCIAMACHY (Stefan Bender)
15:00 – 15:20: 3dCTM studies on MLT NOx from energetic particles and photoionization (Holger Nieder)
15:20 – 15:40: Tracer experiments during and after the SSW in winter 2008/2009: set-up and first results (Miriam Sinnhuber)

15:40 -


Coffee break

16:10 – 17:30: Presentations of ongoing SPARC SOLARIS-HEPPA activities (HEPPA-II, SolarMIP) ctnd.

Chair: Thomas v. Clarmann
16:10 – 16:30: Solar Signals in CMIP-5 Simulations, Part 1: The Stratospheric Pathway (Presenter tbd)
16:30 – 16:50: Solar Signals in CMIP-5 Simulations, Part 2: Climate Response(Stergios Misios)
18:00 – 22:30: Wine tasting at the wine cooperative Affental (optional, extra costs 30 Euro); bus leaves at Ludwig-Wilhelm-Platz (behind Evangelische Stadtkirche, church)

Friday, 9 May 2014:

8:30 – 12:00: Registration
9:00 – 12:30: Break-out sessions for SPARC SOLARIS-HEPPA activities (HEPPA-II, SolarMIP, etc.)

10:30 -


Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30: HEPPA and SOLARIS break-out sessions cntd.

12:30 –


Lunch break

14:00 – 14:30: HEPPA-II and SolarMIP Reporting session (Bernd Funke and Katja Matthes)
14:30 – 15:30: Discussion on new/future projects within SOLARIS-HEPPA

Chair: Bernd Funke and Katja Matthes
14:30 – 15:00: CCMI evaluations: Solar trend (Discussion lead:Bernd Funke and Katja Matthes)
15:00 – 15:30: CCMI evaluations: Solar forcing uncertainties (Discussion lead: Bernd Funke and Katja Matthes)

15:30 -


Coffee break

Chair: Gabi Stiller
16:00 – 17:00: Final discussion, next meeting, etc.
17:00   Close of workshop, adjourn


Poster Sessions:

(every day: 30 min 1-slide poster presentations, 75 min poster session in the morning, 105 min poster session in the afternoon)

Poster Session I:

Monday, 5 May 2014

1-slide poster presentations from 10:15-10:45

poster session from 11:15-12:30 and 15:45-17:30: Topics A and E

Topic A: Solar and Particle Variability and

Topic E: Tools for Assessing Solar and Particle Influences (new or improved measurements, models, etc)


Name Title Topic Board Number
Beharell, Mathew Substorm induced energetic electron precipitation: morphology and prediction E 13
v. Clarmann, Thomas MIPAS: A dataset for testing hypotheses on the impact of particle precipitation on the atmosphere E 16
Duthie, Rodger A model of energetic electron precipitation fluxes inside and outside of the plasmasphere during space weather events E 18
Hardman, Rachael Investigating electron precipitation events using near-conjugate observations from St. John's, New Foundland, and Halley, Antarctica A 42
Jahn, Jörg-Micha Low altitude energetic neutral atom emissions: Remote sensing energetic particle precipitation with neutrals E 22
Kalakoski, Niilo Impacts of using different meteorological datasets for nudging WACCM E 24
Kaufmann, Martin Atomic oxygen measurements in the mesopause region from 2002 to 2012 E 26
Kero, Antti Ionospheric electron density profile estimation by spectral riometry A 40
Misios, Stergios Lagged climate responses to the 11-year solar cycle in the CMIP5 historical simulations E 37
Nesse Tyssøy, Hilde Parameterization of the day-night asymmetry in the atmospheric energy deposition during solar proton events A 8
Newell, Patrick OVATION Prime-2013: Solar wind Driven Precipitation Model Extended to Higher Geomagnetic Activity Levels E 28
Peck, Ethan Correction to the POES MEPED instrument data E 30
Sandanger, Marit Irene A new method of recalibrating NOAA MEPED proton measurements E 47
Shetti, Dadaso GPS-TEC and Equatorial Plasma Bubbles observations during the period 2002-2013 A 10
Urban, Jo Effects of solar activity and high energetic particle precipitation on middle atmospheric composition as observed by the Odin Sub-millimetre Radiometer E 7
Vlasov, Alexey The vertical extension of EMAC to the MLT region E 32
Wissing, Jan Maik The Atmospheric Ionization Module Osnabrück (AIMOS) E 34

Poster Session II:

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

1-slide poster presentations from 10:15-10:45

poster session from 11:15-12:30 and 15:45-17:30: Topic B

Topic B (Solar and Particle Effects on the Stratosphere and Above)


Name Title Topic Board Number
Bednarz, Ewa The response of chemistry and climate to the 11-year solar cycle in UMUKCA B 1
Funke, Bernd Hemispheric distributions and inter-annual variability of Noy produced by Energetic Particle Precipitation in 2002-2012 as measured by MIPAS B 43
Funke, Bernd A semi-empirical model for mesospheric and stratospheric Noy produced by energetic particle precipitation B 45
Fytterer, Tilo Solar and particle induced ozone variations and temperature/dynamical feedbacks in the middle atmosphere B 3
Hendrickx, Koen Effects of high energetic particles on nitric oxide measured by Odin-SMR B 5
Kren, Andrew Examining the stratospheric response to the solar cycle in a coupled WACCM simulation with internally generated QBO B 48
Kren, Andrew Examing the decadal variability in the stratosphere in two 200-yr WACCM simulations B 50
Megner, Linda Solar impact on total water content in the summer polar mesopause B 9
Meraner, Katharina Downward transport of nitrogen oxides in HAMMONIA B 11
Nieder, Holger Nox production due to solar forcing in the MLT region - advances in ion chemistry treatment B 39
Orsolini, Yvan Impact of energetic particle precipitation on the middle atmosphere through stratospheric nitrid acid B 15
Päivärinta, Sanna-Mari Observed effects of solar proton events and sudden stratospheric warmings on odd nitrogen and ozone in the polar middle atmosphere B 20
Pérot, Kristell Unusually strong nitric oxide descent in the Arctic middle atmosphere in early 2013 as observed by Odin/SMR B 17
Reddmann, Thomas Long-term impact of Noy transport from the lower thermosphere in the KASIMA model B 19
Seppälä, Annika Energetic particle forcing of the Northern hemisphere winter stratosphere: Comparison to solar irradiance forcing B 23
Sinnhuber, Miriam Local Nox response to geomagnetic activity from the upper stratosphere to the lower thermosphere B 33
Verronen, Pekka Comparison of modelled and observed effects of radiation belt electron precipitation on mesospheric hydroxyl and ozone B 21
Whiter, Daniel A descent of the aurora over Lapland B 35

Poster Session III:

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

1-slide poster presentations from 10:30-11:00

poster session from 11:30-12:30 and 15:45-17:30: Topics C and D

Topic C (Solar and Particle Effects on the Troposphere and Climate)

Topic D (Atmosphere and Ocean/Atmosphere Coupling)



Name Title Topic Board Number
Bailey, Scott SOFIE observations of gravity wave activity and thermosphere to stratosphere descent triggered by the 2013 Stratospheric Sudden Warming D 12
Benze, Susanne The Polar Mesospheric Cloud season onset and end as indicators of atmospheric coupling and solar cycle effects D 14
Calisto, Marco Influence of a Carrington-like event on the atmospheric chemistry, temperature, and dynamics: revised C 2
Didebulidze, Goderdzi The seasonal variations of cloudless days and nights in Abastumani and their possible coupling with cosmic factors and climate change C 4
Hackett, Adrianna Evidence for elevated stratopause events in modern and historical meteorological data D 25
Holt, Laura Indirect effect of EPP and sudden stratospheric warming events in observations D 27
Lam, Mai Mai Response of the lower atmosphere to changes in the global atmospheric electrical circuit associated with solar wind variability C 6
Maliniemi, Ville Spatial distribution of Northern Hemisphere winter temperatures during different phases of the solar cycle C 29
Misios, Stergios The role of the oceans in shaping the tropospheric response to the 11 year solar cycle C 44
Misios, Stergios A SOLID survey on the needs of climate and chemistry-climate modelling communities for new irradiance data sets C 46
Sunkara, Eswaraiah Vertical and latitudinal coupling of lower and middle atmosphere observed with network of Radars over Indian region D 36
Thiéblemont, Rémi North Atlantic Surface Response to the 11-year Solar Cycle D 38
Yoshida, Kohei Solar influence on Last Millennium climate simulated by MRI-CGCM3 C 31