History of projects and campaigns
Fig. 1: FTIR Container at Esrange (December 1994).
Since winter 1989/90 a ground-based FTIR spectrometer was operated each winter at Kiruna. While at the beginning the instrument was operated on a campaign basis, a Bruker 120HR is operated continuously at IRF Kiruna since March 1996. This is a collaboration with IRF Kiruna and the University of Nagoya.
Campaigns participated in are:
1989/90 | CHEOPS III | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM |
1990/91 | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM | |
1991/92 | EASOE | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM |
1992/93 | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM | |
1993/94 | SESAME I | Esrange near Kiruna | Bruker 120 M |
1994/95 | SESAME III | Esrange near Kiruna | Bruker 120 M |
1995/96 | Esrange near Kiruna | Bruker 120 M | |
since March 1996 | routinely | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
1997 | ILAS Validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
March 1998 | NDSC intercomparison | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
1998/99 | THESEO | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
1999/2000 | THESEO-2000 | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
since July 2002 | ENVISAT validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
2002/03 | VINTERSOL | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
2003 | ILAS-II Validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
since 2004 | ACE Validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
Since February 1999 a Bruker 120M is operated in collaboration with Izaña Atmospheric research center (IZO) of AEMet on Tenerife Island. As well as the Kiruna instrument it is operated within the NDACC network on a long-term basis.
ACE | Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment aboard SCISAT-1, launched in August 2003 |
ADEOS | ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite |
AEMet | Agencia estatal de Meteorologia |
BRUKER® IFS 120 M & 120 HR | High-resolution FTIR spectrometer offered by Bruker Karlsruhe, D |
CHEOPS-III | CHEmistry of Ozone in the Polar Stratosphere (a French-German Campaign) |
EASOE | European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment |
ENVISAT | ENVIronment SATellite, launched in March 2002 including 3 atmospheric sensors: GOMOS, MIPAS and SCIAMACHY |
Esrange | Rocket range of the Swedish Space Corporation, located 40 km Northeast of Kiruna |
ILAS | Improved Limb Atmospheric Sounder An infrared grating spectrometer on-board the japanese ADEOS satellite, launched in August 1996. |
ILAS-II | Improved Limb Atmospheric Sounder-II An infrared grating spectrometer on-board the japanese ADEOS-II satellite, launched in December 2002. |
IRF | Institutet för Rymdfysik (Swedish Institute of Space Physics) Kiruna, S |
Izaña | Izaña Atmospheric Research Center, Tenerife Island, E |
MIPAS-LM | MIPAS-LM: Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Laboratory Model |
NDACC | Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change |
SESAME | Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Midlatitude Experiment |
STEL | Solar Terrestrial Environmental Laboratory |
THESEO | Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone |
VINTERSOL | Validation of International Satellites and Study of Ozone Loss |