Altzomoni, 60 km SE of Mexico City , Mexico (19.1 N, 98.7 W, 4000 m a.s.l.)
In 2012 an FTIR container with a Bruker 120HR (upgraded to 125HR) has been set up at Altzomoni. The instrument is operated by the group of Dr. Michel Grutter, University of Mexico-City (UNAM). Altzomoni site is a high altitude (4000 m a.s.l.) site in Izta-Popo National Park. It is located on a mountain ridge between Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl. Depending on wind direction the site allows us to observe 'clean' air, urban emissions from Mexico City or the volcanic plume of Popocatépetl. The instument is part of the NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change).
Fig. 1: View to Izta-Popo National Park as seen from Amecameca
Fig. 2: FTIR container at Altzomoni
Fig. 3: Solar tracker on top of FTIR container at Altzomoni