• Stratospheric and mesospheric pressure-temperature profiles from rotational analysis of CO2 lines in atmospheric trace molecule spectroscopy/aTLAS1 infrared solar occultation spectra
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  • Retrieval of troposheric versus stratospheric partitioning of HCl from ground-based MIPAS FTIR spectra
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  • The variability of ClONO2 and HNO3 in the Arctic polar vortex: Comparison of Transall Michelson interferometer for passive atmospheric sounding measurements and three-dimensional model results
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  • Spatial and temporal variability of ClONO2, HNO3 and O3 in the Arctic winter of 1992/93 as obtained by airborne infrared emission spectroscopy
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  • Vertical profiles of N2O5 along with CH4, N2O, and H2O in the late Arctic winter retrieved from MIPAS-B infrared limb emission measurements
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  • Determination of the stratospheric organic chlorine budget in the spring arctic vortex from MIPAS-B limb emission spectra and air sampling experiments
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  • Auswertung und Interpratation von bodengebundenen Absorptionsmessungen im infraroten Spektralbereich mit MIPAS-LM
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