Cross-cutting activity Research Data Management (RDM)

The cross-sectional activity Research Data Management aims to support the research groups of the IMKASF in dealing with the diverse research data. The scientists are supported throughout the entire data life cycle, i.e. from data collection, data storage, processing, and analysis to the publication of research data and the subsequent use of existing data (see figure on the right). For this purpose, software solutions are operated to implement modern and sustainable research data management according to the FAIR principles.
The cross-sectional activity is very strongly networked with the other Institutes of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMKAAF, IMKIFU, IMKTRO) within the framework of the WG IMK Data Management and strives to implement and offer sustainable and modern solutions for handling data in as standardized a form as possible. The activity thus represents a central link to data initiatives such as the ATMOHub, or the DataHub of the HGF Research Field Earth and Environment or the NFDI4Earth.