The Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing (IMKASF) investigates dynamic, microphysical and chemical processes in the Earth’s atmosphere, with the goal to understand, quantify and predict its natural variability and long-term changes.

Accurate measurements of atmospheric trace gases, aerosols and clouds from various observational platforms (ground-based stations, air craft, balloons, satellites) provide the data that are required for the modelling of atmospheric processes.

Particular focus of the activities of IMKASF is to investigate the complex links and feedbacks between climate change, dynamics and transport, and atmospheric chemistry.

KLOCX in the TEAMx Winter Campaign

From 25 September 2024 to 9 April 2025, KLOCX is part of the TEAMx winter campaign. The research focusses on the study of low-level stratiform clouds and fog. The main aim is to better understand the different life-cycle phases of these clouds to improve the prediction of formation and dissipation.


More information about the measurement campaign:

More information about KLOCX:


ASCCISören Johansson (KIT)
Arctic airborne campaign with GLORIA

As part of the IMKASF-coordinated HALO campaign ASCCI in March 2025, the GLORIA infrared spectrometer investigates the distribution of ozone, water vapor, and pollutants in the Arctic upper troposphere and lower stratosphere.
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To press release
FFBM. Höpfner
GLORIA-Lite instrument back at the institute

Finally, our new GLORIA-Lite instrument has safely returned home after successfully crossing the Atlantic aboard a stratospheric balloon at an altitude of 40 km last year. Analysis of the extensive amount of data collected is in progress.

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