COCCON and EM27/SUN Community Conferences
We are offering telephone conferences for all EM27/SUN users.

We are offering telecons for all EM27/SUN users which are interested.
These telecons provide the possibility for discussion, exchange of information, for users to present their work and learning from each other.
If you are interested in joining, please contact benedikt herkommer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu.
Here, the minutes and the presentations of the previous telecons are given:
June 6th, 2024:
- Minutes
- Slides: EM27 Retrieval Pipeline by Moritz Makowski
- Slides: PROFFAST2.4 Updates by Frank Hase
- Slides: PROFFASTpylot1.3 Updates by Lena Feld, Benedikt Herkommer and Jasmin Vestner
April, 25th, 2024:
- Minutes
- Slides: Introductory slides by Frank Hase
- Slides: Compiler Comparisons by Benedikt Herkommer
- Slides: EM27/SUN community survey by Annmarie Eldering and Elizabeth Spicer
- Video recording of the meeting
January, 18th, 2024:
- Minutes
- Slides: Presentation by Carlos Alberti
- Slides: Presentation by Jerome Woodwark
- Video recording of the meeting
August, 24th, 2023:
Januar, 17th, 2023:
October, 25th, 2022:
- Minutes
- Slides: COCCON Steering Commitee
- Slides: Open path measurments using the EM27/SUN
August, 23rd, 2022:
May 24th, 2022:
March 31st, 2022:
January 25th, 2022:
- Minutes
- Presentation of Frank Hase of COCCON 2
- Presentation of Lena Feld and Benedikt Herkommer to PROFFASTpylot
- Presentation of Sander Houweling to their Rotterdam Campaign
November 4th, 2021:
September 9th, 2021:
July 22nd, 2021:
May 4th, 2021: