RAT (Retrieval of Atmospheric Trace gas profiles)
RAT (Retrieval of Atmospheric Trace gas profiles) is a software tool for
analysis of atmospheric infrared spectra. It enables the user to derive
trace gas distributions from measured spectra by a number of different
numerical approaches, including nonlinear least squares fit. Details are
reported in
"RAT: a computational tool for retrieval of atmospheric trace gas
from infrared spectra", T.v. Clarmann, KfK-Report 5423, 1994. This
has successfully been applied to:
- MIPAS-B spectra (limb emission spectra measured from a balloon-borne platform.
- MIPAS-STR spectra (airborne uplooking emission measurements)
- MIPAS-LM spectra (groundbased solar absorption spectroscopy)
- BRUKER IFS 120M and IFS 120HR spectra (high-resolution groundbased solar absorption spectroscopy)