Fig. 1: FTIR Container at Esrange (December 1994).
Since winter 1989/90 a ground-based FTIR spectrometer was operated each winter at Kiruna.
While at the beginning the instrument was operated on a campaign basis, a Bruker 120HR is operated continuously at IRF Kiruna since March 1996.
This is a collaboration with IRF Kiruna and the University of Nagoya.
Campaigns participated in are:
1989/90 | CHEOPS III | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM |
1990/91 | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM | |
1991/92 | EASOE | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM |
1992/93 | Esrange near Kiruna | MIPAS-LM | |
1993/94 | SESAME I | Esrange near Kiruna | Bruker 120 M |
1994/95 | SESAME III | Esrange near Kiruna | Bruker 120 M |
1995/96 | Esrange near Kiruna | Bruker 120 M | |
since March 1996 | routinely | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
1997 | ILAS Validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
March 1998 | NDSC intercomparison | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
1998/99 | THESEO | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
1999/2000 | THESEO-2000 | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
since July 2002 | ENVISAT validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
2002/03 | VINTERSOL | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
2003 | ILAS-II Validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
since 2004 | ACE Validation | IRF Kiruna | Bruker 120 HR |
ACE | Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment aboard SCISAT-1, launched in August 2003 |
ADEOS | ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite |
BRUKER® IFS 120 M & 120 HR | High-resolution FTIR spectrometer offered by Bruker Karlsruhe, D |
CHEOPS-III | CHEmistry of Ozone in the Polar Stratosphere (a French-German Campaign) |
EASOE | European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment |
ENVISAT | ENVIronment SATellite, launched in March 2002 including 3 atmospheric sensors: GOMOS, MIPAS and SCIAMACHY |
Esrange | Rocket range of the Swedish Space Corporation, located 40 km Northeast of Kiruna |
ILAS | Improved Limb Atmospheric Sounder An infrared grating spectrometer on-board the japanese ADEOS satellite, launched in August 1996. |
ILAS-II | Improved Limb Atmospheric Sounder-II An infrared grating spectrometer on-board the japanese ADEOS-II satellite, launched in December 2002. |
AEMet (formerly INM) | Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (formerly Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia), St. Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife Island, E |
IRF | Institutet för Rymdfysik (Swedish Institute of Space Physics) Kiruna, S |
IZO | Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (formerly Izaña Observatory), Tenerife Island, E |
MIPAS-LM | MIPAS-LM: Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Laboratory Model |
(formerly NDSC) |
Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (formerly Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change) |
SESAME | Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Midlatitude Experiment |
STEL | Solar Terrestrial Environmental Laboratory |
THESEO | Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone |
VINTERSOL | Validation of International Satellites and Study of Ozone Loss |