Integrated Greenhousegas Monitoring System for Germany (ITMS)
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- Funding:
- Partner:
MPI-M, DWD, Universität Heidelberg
- Start Date:
- End Date:
The ITMS Project
The development of an operational ITMS requires the operational implementation of data flows, data assimilation and inversion systems, which are based on best possible model representations of all processes involved. The ITMS-M joint project will implement the application and further development of a data assimilation system, which is the central element of the ITMS. It will provide independent uncertainty estimates targeting sector-specific information and using the inventory uncertainties reported by UBA as a benchmark. The ITMS-M research focuses on key aspects of the two main anthropogenic greenhouse gases, CO2 and CH4. A joint design of data flows, assimilation and inversion system components is planned, as this is the most effective approach for the
planned operational deployment.
The overall goal is to establish an operational capability at DWD to assimilate greenhouse gas data to provide regular source-sink estimates of greenhouse gases at nationally relevant scales. In addition, the system should be capable of using the continuing increase in the power of atmospheric observations from the ground and from space, both bottom-up flux modeling and atmospheric (inverse) modeling for monitoring and documenting greenhouse gas sources and sinks in
high spatio-temporal resolution to meet user needs and enable the implementation of an independent monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) system for greenhouse gas emissions from diffuse sources such as agricultural activities.
Thus, the research within ITMS-M has the following main objectives:
1) Provide spatially and temporally resolved information on greenhouse gas emissions in Germany using the atmospheric data products of ICOS and other available data streams.
2) Develop a greenhouse gas data assimilation and inversion system using the ICON modeling and assimilation system used by DWD.
3) Incorporation of boundary layer height observations into atmospheric transport models.
4) Preparation of inversion systems for optimal use of the various data streams from ICOS, IAGOS and especially satellites.